About Us

Message from the Director
Welcome to our Children and Family Services (CFS) website. Please explore this site to learn more about our mission and the work we do to ensure the safety and well-being of the children and families in San Bernardino County. We are continuously striving to enhance our efforts in providing services to all in need, and this can only be accomplished with the help and partnership of the community, our sister agencies within the county, private agencies and you!
I am honored that you are taking the time to visit our website to learn about our services and programs and to see how you can play a role in the protection of our most vulnerable citizens, the children of San Bernardino County. On this site, you will learn about the signs of abuse and neglect; how to become a Resource Parent; what it takes to become an Adoptive Parent; and how to apply for a position with Children and Family Services. I hope you find the information on our site helpful and please remember: Child Safety is everybody’s business.
Jeany Zepeda, Director
Children and Family Services
The mission of Children and Family Services is to protect endangered children, preserve and strengthen their families, and develop alternative family settings. Services as mandated by law and regulation, will be provided in the least intrusive manner with a family centered focus. This mission is accomplished in collaboration with the family, a wide variety of public and private agencies and members of the community.
Children and Family Services’ highest priority is the safety of the children in San Bernardino County, and we will provide our families with high quality customer service in regard to risk assessment, service provision and case plan management to create a safe and sustainable home environment which promotes the emotional, physical and educational well-being of our children.