Children and Family Services exists for the safety, protection and well-being of children and their families. When help is needed to ensure proper care of minors, Children and Family Services is available to assist the family in conjunction with our community partners. Support is provided to the family through Children and Family Team Meetings, monthly contact, case plan development and monitoring.
A case plan detailing services is developed and reviewed with the family to assist them in meeting the goals to ensure parents/legal guardians are able to safely and appropriately care for their child(ren). Services will be provided in the least intrusive manner with a family centered focus.
Voluntary Services
When determined that ongoing, non-court child welfare services are necessary, CFS can provide time-limited Voluntary Services, which requires an agreement from the family to participate.
Involuntary Services
When determined that ongoing, Court ordered child welfare services are necessary, CFS makes recommendations to the Court regarding what specific services would best meet the needs of the family.

Services May Include
- Substance abuse treatment
- Counseling for both individuals and the family
- Domestic Violence treatment and/or counseling
- Parenting Classes
- Mental Health Services
- Child and Family Team Meetings
- Other services as needed to fit the needs of the family